Bengaluru: Intel India on Wednesday said it will open Maker Lab, a product innovation centre, at its Bengaluru campus, which will provide local start-ups and entrepreneurs a place to develop their ideas and test the products they make.
The plan comes at a time when the Indian government is offering everything from tax incentives to higher foreign direct investment limits to get companies across the globe to make their wares in Asia’s third-largest economy.
The lab will work closely with existing incubators backed by state and central governments, academic institutions and companies, as well as commercial accelerators, for faster product development, Intel India said in a statement on Wednesday.
“With the Intel India Maker Lab, we are offering a strong platform to India’s vibrant start-up ecosystem, and encouraging young innovators to turn their ideas into exciting and relevant products for India,” said Kumud Srinivasan, president, Intel India.
In addition to helping entrepreneurs convert their ideas into successful prototypes, Intel India plans to help connect them to electronic manufacturing service providers, original design manufacturers, independent software vendors and others.
Intel is not the only multinational company keen to work with start-ups in India. Microsoft Corp., International Business Machines Corp. and Foxconn Technology Group are engaging with the Indian start-up ecosystem through incubators, investments and acquisitions.
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