Banaras Hindu University hit by student unrest: Photos 6 Photos . Updated: 25 Sep 2017, 12:40 PM IST Livemint A number of students and two journalists were injured in violence in Banaras Hindu University (BHU) campus where a protest against a molestation incident turned violent. In images 1/6Students taking out a protest rally on the BHU campus in Varanasi on Sunday against the police’s action on agitating students on Saturday. Photos: PTI 2/6Students of BHU protest against the molestation of a student inside the campus, in Varanasi on Saturday. 3/6The protest later turned violent on Saturday night. Here, students and police in a standoff. 4/6The police baton-charged the students in a bid to disperse them on Saturday. 5/6Students allegedly indulged in arson during the clashes with the police at BHU in Varanasi, late Saturday night. 6/6The BHU students have been protesting since Thursday against the rising eve- teasing incidents on the campus.