New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday arrested Ramchandra Hansdah, a Biju Janata Dal (BJD) member of Parliament (MP); Hitesh Kumar Bagarti, ex-member of the legislative assembly (MLA) from the Bharatiya Janata Party; and Subarna Naik, ex-MLA from the BJD.
The arrests were made in connection with the Nabadiganta group case, one of several chit fund scam cases in Odisha.
A CBI official said the three were arrested “on allegations of criminal conspiracy, cheating and diversion of funds”.
The agency had on 26 October arrested the head of the company, Anjan Baliarsing, and directors Pradeep Patnaik and Kartik Parida, in connection with a case registered against the company.
Nabadiganta Capital Services is one of the 44 companies under CBI’s scanner for its alleged involvement in the multi-crore chit fund scam in Odisha. The politicians had claimed that they had resigned from the firm as directors in 2012, but the resignations were accepted only last year. While the trio have alleged that they had been framed by the ponzi company, Baliarsing told reporters: “The leaders are not children who can be framed. I have submitted all evidence to the CBI relating to their involvement in the company affairs.” CBI has formed a special investigating team headed by joint director Rajeev Singh to also probe the role of Securities Exchange Board of India and the Reserve Bank of India.
PTI contributed to this story.
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