New Delhi: The Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance continued to put out slogans, short forms and alliterations in the fourth year in power—though fewer in number—to create a buzz around its government schemes and projects. Like in the previous three years, Mint updates the Modi lexicon list with the new buzzwords and catchphrases that were added in the fourth year.
Year 1
Abki Baar Modi Sarkar: This time, Modi government.
Achhe Din Aane Wale Hain: Good days are about to come.
ART: Accountability, Responsibility, Transparency—aimed at good governance.
ABCD: Avoid, Bypass, Confuse, Delay—comment on the culture within the Indian bureaucracy.
AMRUT: Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation—a programme to replace Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.
AIM: Atal Innovation Mission— a programme to promote a network of world-class innovation hubs.
ASPIRE: A scheme for promotion of innovation, rural industry and entrepreneurship
Year 2
Accessible India: To ensure universal accessibility for persons with disabilities.
ARYA: Attracting and Retaining Rural Youths in Agriculture.
Year 3
AMRIT: Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment
Year 4
Asita (means Yamuna): Project to restore, revive and rejuvenate Yamuna river’s floodplains.
Year 1
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Abhiyaan: Mission to save and educate girl children
B2B: Bharat to Bhutan—aimed at improving India-Bhutan ties
Year 2
BAPU: Biometrically Authenticated Physical Uptake—aims to verify identity of beneficiaries of government schemes by scanning fingerprints
Year 3
BHIM: Bharat Interface for Money—app for making digital transactions and payments
Bharatmala: An umbrella programme for National Highways to connect coastal/ border areas, pilgrimage sites and district headquarters
Year 1
Cooperative and Competitive Federalism: Aims at improving centre-state relationship through teamwork
Year 2
Climate Change to Climate Justice: Need for change in focus in environment debate.
Year 4
CHAMAN: Coordinated Horticulture Assessment and Management using geoiNformatics
Year 1
Digital India: Aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy
3 Ds: Democracy, Demography and Demand—a comment on India’s advantage over other countries
Year 2
DIPAM: Department of Investment and Public Asset Management—a new name for the disinvestment department.
Divyang: People with extraordinary capabilities, instead of Viklang (handicapped).
DigiLocker: Government of India’s secure cloud-based platform for storage, sharing and verification of documents and certificates, for paperless governance.
Year 3
DEEP: Discovery of Efficient Electricity Price--e-bidding web portal for electricity
Digidhan: an event to promote digital transactions
DISHA: Digital Saksharta Abhiyan--Digital literacy mission
Year 4
DIKSHA: Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing: for teacher-training and professional development
DARPAN: Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India: Project to improve the quality of service, add value to services and achieve “financial inclusion” of un-banked rural population
Year 1
Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat: One India, Best India
e-Kranti: Digitizing the delivery of government services.
Year 2
e-Boat: Solar-powered boats on river Ganga at Varanasi.
eNAM: Electronic National Agricultural Market
ePACE: Project Appraisals and Continuing Enhancements—an online portal for monitoring progress of national highways across India.
eBASTA: To make school books accessible in digital form as e-books.
3E: Enterprises, Earning, Empowerment—the motive behind Mudra Bank
Year 3
EPI: Every Person is Important—The new VIP
Evergreen Revolution: Sustained increase in agricultural production
Year 1
FDI: First Develop India
5F: Farm to Fibre, Fibre to Fabric, Fabric to Fashion, Fabric to Foreign
Year 2
FASTag: Electronic tolling system introduced on all national highways across the country
Year 3
FUTURE: F: farmer, U: underprivileged, T: transparency, technology upgradation, U: urban rejuvenation, R: rural development and E: employment, entrepreneurship
Year 1
#GiveItUp: Programme to inspire consumers to give up the LPG subsidy
GIAN: Global Initiative of Academic Networks—aimed at American academicians and scientists to teach in India at their convenience
Year 2
GARV: Grameen Vidyutikaran—Rural Electrification
Gramodaya Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan: Aimed at increasing social harmony across villages and strengthen the Panchayati Raj.
Year 3
GEM: Government E-Marketplace
Year 4
GOBAR (Galvanising Organic Bio Agro Resources)-Dhan: Scheme to focus on converting cattle dung and solid waste to compost and biogas
Year 1
HRIDAY: Heritage Development and Augmentation Yojana
Hunar Hai to Kadar Hai: If you have skill, you have respect
HIMMAT: A mobile application to ensure women’s safety in Delhi
HIT: Highways, Informationways, Transmissionways—a mantra for Nepal’s development.
Year 2
HOPE: Harmony, Opportunity, People’s participation, Equality—aim of Indian constitution
HELP: Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy—a uniform licensing system to cover all hydrocarbons under a single licensing framework
Year 1
IT + IT = Indian Talent + Information Technology = India Tomorrow—part of the Digital India initiative
INCH towards MILES: Indo-China towards Millennium of Exceptional Synergy—for the future of Indo-Sino relations
Indradhanush mission: Achieving universal immunization with special focus on 184 high-priority districts
Year 2
Ishan Uday: Scholarship scheme for north-east students.
Indradhanush: Yet another mission with same name to revamp public sector banks
Year 3
Imprint: Impacting Research Innovation and Technology--Funding research in 10 socially relevant domains
Year 1
JAM trinity: Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-Mobile—for direct cash transfer and subsidy rationalization.
Year 2
Karein Prayas, Payein Vikash: Make Effort, Gain Progress—the tagline for Standup India.
Year 3
Kayakalp: An award to promote cleanliness, hygiene and infection control practices in public health facilities
Year 4
KSHAMTA: Knowledge Systems and Homestead Agriculture Management in Tribal Areas
Year 1
Link West, Act East: Aimed at making India a part of the global value chain.
Year 4
LaQshya: Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative Guideline: aims at improving quality of care in labour room and maternity Operation Theatre.
Year 1
Mera Kya, Mujhe Kya: Modi’s comment on the attitude—what is in it for me; why should I bother—that has ruined the nation.
MUDRA Bank: Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Bank
Mann Ki Baat: A radio programme hosted on All India Radio where the prime minister addresses the nation
Maximum Governance, Minimum Government: Simplification of official procedures and governance by leveraging technology
Make in India: Creating the ecosystem to transform India into a manufacturing hub
Year 3
MANAS: Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills—to address skill development needs of minority communities
Year 4
MERIT: Merit Order Despatch of Electricity for Rejuvenation of Income and Transparency—a web portal that displays the actual data of electricity generation by states
MUSC: Madhyamik and Uchchtar Shiksha Kosh—non-lapsable pool for Secondary and Higher Education Cess
Year 1
Namami Gange Mission: A national mission for clean-up of the Ganga.
NITI Aayog: National Institution for Transforming India—it replaced the Planning Commission.
Year 2
NAVIC: Navigation with Indian Constellation—India’s own navigation satellite
3 Ns for Indian Railways: Nav Arjan (new revenues), Nav Manak (new norms), Nav Sanrachna (new structures)
Year 3
NIDHI: National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations—umbrella programme for nurturing ideas and innovations (knowledge-based and technology-driven) into successful start-ups
Year 4
NARI: Nutri-sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovations—focus on gender empowerment and nutrition
Year 1
Operation Rahat: Evacuation effort in Yemen
Operation Maitri: Relief operation in Nepal after the April 2015 earthquake
Year 4
Operation Greens: Aims to limit the erratic fluctuations in the prices of onions, potatoes and tomatoes
Year 1
PRASAD: Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spirituality Augmentation Drive
PAHAL: Pratyaksha Hastaantarit Laabh—direct benefit transfer of LPG subsidy
Padhe Bharat, Badhe Bharat: India that is educated is the India that will progress
PRAGATI: Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation—aimed at monitoring and reviewing of government programmes
Per Drop, More Crop: Promoting farming through optimum utilization of water
P2G2: Pro-People Good Governance, which the government claims to be its focus
P4: People Private Public Partnership for good governance
Project Mausam: To revive ancient maritime routes and cultural linkages with countries in the Indian Ocean
Year 2
Padhe Padhaein Desh Badhaye: Study and teach for the development of India
Project Unnati: To mordernize major ports
Year 1
ROAD: Responsibility, Ownership, Accountability, Discipline—for improving the work culture among bureaucrats.
Red Tape to Red Carpet: Facilitating the ease of doing business
Year 2
4 Rs: Recognition, Recapitalization, Resolution and Reform—for resolving the twin balance sheet problem
Year 4
RISE: Revitalising Infrastructure and Systems in Education: To increase investment in research and related infrastructure in premier educational institutions by 2022
Year 1
Swadesh Darshan: Integrated development of theme-based tourist circuits
Shramev Jayate: Labour reforms plank by the government
Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas: Inclusive development for all
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Clean India Mission
Sagar Mala Project: Promoting port-led development along the coastal regions and communities
SETU: Self Employment and Talent Utilisation—providing support to all aspects of start-ups from credit to incubation
Swasth Dhara, Khet Hara: Healthy Earth for a Green Farm—aimed at boosting farm productivity.
SMART policing: Strict but Sensitive, Modern and Mobile, Alert and Accountable, Reliable and Responsive, Tech-savvy and Trained policing
3S: Skill, Scale, Speed—what India needs to do to compete with China
SWAYAM: Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds—for IITs, IIMs and central universities to offer free online courses
SAMAVAY: Skill Assessment Matrix for Vocational Advancement of Youth—to allow multiple entry and exit options between vocational and formal education courses
Year 2
Sahayak: New name for railway coolies
StandUp India: Promoting entrepreneurship among SC/ST and women
SWIFT: Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade
Startup India: To encourage the startup ecosystem in India.
Setu Bharatam: Programme to build bridges for safe travel on national highways
SAGARMALA: To connect all seven coastal states through ocean and sea routes
Shipping Samvad: A new portal for submitting innovative ideas for shipping sector
3S: Speed, Simplicity, Service—the desirable elements in technology
SRESHTA: Special Railway Establishment for Strategic Technology and Holistic Advancement—a special unit for conducting in-house research in railway
SMART: Specially Modified Aesthetic Refreshing Travel—specially designed railway coaches
Year 3
SOLVE: System for Online Vigilance clearance Enquiries—online platform for vigilance clearance for board-level appointments in central public sector enterprises
SUPREMO: Single User Platform Related To Employees Online—integration of seven different software for central government employees
SHAKTI: Scheme to Harness and Allocate Koyla (Coal) Transparently in India—new coal linkage policy
Setu Bharatam: For building bridges for safe and seamless travel on national highways
SAMADHAN (the new anti-Maoist strategy): Smart Leadership to convert failure into success—Aggressive Strategy, Motivation and Training, Actionable Intelligence, Dashboard Based KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and KRAs (Key Result Areas), Harnessing Technology, Action plan for each Theatre and No access to Financing
SEVA: Saral Eindhan Vitaran Application—app to ensure transparency and accountability in coal dispatch for power sector consumers
SAMPADA: Supplement Agriculture Modernise Processing And Decrease Agriwaste—scheme for agro-marine processing and development of agro-processing clusters
SAUNI: Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation Yojana
SANKALP: Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion programme
Year 4
Sabka Saath, Sabka Gaon, Sabka Vikas: Inclusive development of all villages for all
Sweet Revolution: To increase production of honey
SPREE: Scheme for Promoting Registration of Employers and Employees—to extend the coverage to the entire workforce, ESI Corporation launched a new employer friendly scheme
SAUBHAGYA: Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana—universal household electrification in the country by 31 March 2019
SHAGUN: Shala Gunvatta (School Quality) Monitoring and sharing best practices about Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
STRIVE: Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement: to improve access to quality and market-driven vocational training provided in ITIs and apprenticeships
SANKALP: Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion
SATH: Sustainable Action for Transforming Human capital—a NITI Aayog programme to transform health and education sectors of states
SPICE: Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically
STRENGTH: Spirituality, Tradition, Trade & Technology, Relationship, Entertainment, Nature conservation, Games, Tourism and Health & Healing—emphasis on people to people contact between India and China
Year 1
Tax Terrorism: Comment on aggressive tax policies including retrospective amendment of tax laws
5Ts: Talent, Tradition, Tourism, Trade and Technology, aimed at building Brand India
Year 2
Twin Balance Sheet problem: The impaired financial positions of public sector banks and some large corporate houses
Year 3
TIES: Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme—Scheme to build export infrastructure at state level
TARANG: Transmission App for Real Time Monitoring and Growth—a monitoring tool to track the progress of inter-state and intra-state transmission systems in the country
Year 4
TOP (Tomato, Onion, Potato) priority: To signify government’s priority for horticulture producers
Year 1
USTTAD: Upgrading Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan: IITs and NITs providing technological resources to rural areas for sustainable development
Year 2
UJALA: Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All
UDAY: Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojna: financial turnaround and revival package for electricity DISCOMs
Udaan scheme: Aims to provide skills training and enhance the employability of unemployed youth of Jammu and Kashmir
Year 3
URJA: Urban Jyoti Abhiyaan—to improve consumer connect on electricity related issues
UDAN: Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik—regional air connectivity scheme
Year 2
Vidyut Prabhah: Portal provides real-time basis power availability in the country
Year 3
Vidyanjali: A school volunteer programme
Year 4
VATICA: Value Addition and Technology Incubation Centres in Agriculture
Year 1
Zero Effect, Zero Defect: Aimed at improving the quality of goods produced in India.
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