Cipla on Tuesday said that it has approved the re-appointment of Umang Vohra as the managing director and global chief executive officer of the company for a further period of five years."The board of directors has considered and approved the re-appointment of Umang Vohra, Managing Director, designated as 'Managing Director and Global Chief Executive Officer' of the company, for a further period of five years w.e.f. April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026," the pharma major said in a regulatory filing.
Vohra had joined Cipla in 2015. He has been the managing director and global chief executive officer of the company since 1 September, 2016, it added. "As Cipla's MD & GCEO, Vohra's priorities have been Cipla's strategic growth, defining and executing Cipla's roadmap to maintain momentum in home markets whilst strengthening its presence in other regions, consolidating its core focus areas, augmenting capability, and building the right organisation," Cipla further mentioned.
Vohra earlier worked with Eicher Motors, PepsiCo and Dr Reddy’s Laboratories. "Through his previous roles in India and the US, he has built a distinguished career spanning almost two decades with deep understanding and experience of various aspects of the global pharmaceutical business," the pharma giant said.
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