Two days after the completion of voting for the Lok Sabha elections, the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) accepted that the intense heatwave conditions became a significant challenge during elections, and his biggest learning is that the poll process should be completed before summer. The CEC remarks came amid criticism of the poll body from various quarters as the seven-phase elections stretched till June, and the majority of Indian states faced intense heatwave conditions during April and May.
While calling the Indian elections a "miracle", CEC Rajiv Kumar said that the country recorded the highest voter turnout in the world. "We have created a world record of 642 million voters. This is a historic moment for all of us. This is 1.5 times the voters of all G7 countries and 2.5 times the voters of 27 countries in the European Union (EU). We thank each and everyone who took part in this festival of democracy. The Indian elections are indeed a miracle. Having no parallel in the world," Rajiv Kumar said.
Rajiv Kumar has appreciated the polling personnel and said that their hard work made sure that Lok Sabha elections 2024 saw fewer repolls. "Due to the meticulous work of the election personnel, we ensured fewer repolls - we saw 39 repolls in Lok Sabha polls 2024 as opposed to 540 in 2019, and 25 out of 39 repolls were in 2 States only," he stated.
The UT of Jammu and Kashmir, which witnessed its first parliamentary elections after the abrogation of Article 370, witnessed the highest voter turnout in the last 40 years. "Voter turnout in the state is the highest in the last four decades," Rajiv Kumar said while thanking the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Chief Election Commissioner mentioned that observers from 23 countries came to India to witness the Lok Sabha elections and were thrilled with India's Electoral Marvel, which showcased unparalleled scale, meticulous planning, and integrity in the conduct of elections.
"4Ms: Identified, Confronted, and Tackled Muscle, Money, Misinformation and MCC Violations - impediments to free, fair, and transparent elections were addressed and responded to," he said.
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