Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor to book 10,000 tickets of Adipurush for underprivileged children. According to various reports, the Bollywood star will book the tickets to show the much-awaited movie 'Adipurush' by director Om Raut which marks Indian cinema's attempt to bring one of the greatest mythological stories to the big screen. The movie features actor Prabhas as Lord Ram, Saif Ali Khan as 'Lankesh' and Kriti Sanon as 'Janaki'.
The movie will hit theatres on June 16, 2023, which was earlier supposed to be January 12, 2023, but got pushed as makers wanted time to correct the portrayal of classic characters in the movie.
The movie is shot in Hindi and Telugu language as it eyes a Pan-India release. 'Adipurush' will be one of the most expensive movies ever made in the industry.
It is for the first time that Prabhas will be working with Kriti Sanon and Saif Ali Khan. The movie also marks Krti's second high-budget period drama after Ashutosh Gowarikar's 'Panipat' in 2019.
Tollywood producer Abhishek Agarwal has been making some path-breaking movies of late and scored Pan India hits like The Kashmir Files and Karthikeya 2. The producer has an interesting line-up of movies.
Interim Abhishek Agarwal has announced to donate 10,000 tickets of Rebel Star Prabhas' Epic Mythological film Adipurush for free. The tickets would be given to Government Schools, Orphanages & Old Age Homes Across Telangana.
The statement reads: "This June, let us celebrate the most noble one. Let's celebrate the Maryada Purushottham. Let's celebrate Adipurush.
Every chapter of Lord Shri Ram is a lesson to mankind. This generation needs to learn about him and follow his Divine Footsteps.
Let's immerse in an experience like never before. 10,000 Tickets (Across Telangana) Would be given to all the Government schools, Orphanages & Old Age Homes for Free by Abhishek Agarwal.
All you have to do is call the number below, share your details and register. We will send you the tickets. Contact: 9505034567, Email:
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