Repaying a personal loan can be a tedious task, especially when you do not plan the repayments and the loan amount thoroughly before applying for it! If you are thinking about applying for an Axis Bank personal loan, then using the Axis Bank personal loan EMI calculator might be a saviour for you! With this you can free yourself from the tedious task of manually calculating EMIs and let the EMI calculator take over the job!
Month | Opening Balance | Interest Paid during the month | Principal repaid during the month | Closing Balance |
1 | 12,00,000 | 12,000 | 27,857 | 11,72,143 |
2 | 11,72,143 | 11,721 | 28,136 | 11,44,007 |
3 | 11,44,007 | 11,440 | 28,417 | 11,15,590 |
4 | 11,15,590 | 11,156 | 28,701 | 10,86,889 |
5 | 10,86,889 | 10,869 | 28,988 | 10,57,900 |
6 | 10,57,900 | 10,579 | 29,278 | 10,28,622 |
7 | 10,28,622 | 10,286 | 29,571 | 9,99,051 |
8 | 9,99,051 | 9,991 | 29,867 | 9,69,185 |
9 | 9,69,185 | 9,692 | 30,165 | 9,39,019 |
10 | 9,39,019 | 9,390 | 30,467 | 9,08,552 |
11 | 9,08,552 | 9,086 | 30,772 | 8,77,781 |
…36 | 39,463 | 395 | 39,463 | 0 |
Yes, The calculator enables you to try various principal amounts and tenures as per your need to find the EMI that best fits your budget.
The EMI calculator offers a detailed overview of the total interest which you would be paying on your personal loan along with the EMI amount.
Yes, the Axis Bank EMI Calculator is compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. You can use the calculator on any device as per your convenience.
Simply enter the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure in months. The calculator will provide you with the estimated EMI and a breakdown of total interest payable.