Star Health and Allied Insurance is trading -0.63% lower at Rs 392.00 as compared to its last closing price. Star Health and Allied Insurance has been trading in the price range of 395.55 & 386.55. Star Health and Allied Insurance has given -17.03% in this year & -5.89% in the last 5 days. Star Health and Allied Insurance has TTM P/E ratio 35.34 as compared to the sector P/E of 11.06.There are 20 analysts who have initiated coverage on Star Health and Allied Insurance. There are 9 analysts who have given it a strong buy rating & 4 analysts have given it a buy rating. 4 analysts have given the stock a sell rating.The company posted a net profit of 215.14 Crores in its last quarter.Listed peers of Star Health and Allied Insurance include Max Financial Services (-0.46%), Star Health and Allied Insurance (-0.63%), Max India (1.02%).The Mutual Fund holding in Star Health and Allied Insurance was at 10.48% in 31 Dec 2024. The MF holding has decreased from the last quarter. The FII holding in Star Health and Allied Insurance was at 17.51% in 31 Dec 2024. The FII holding has decreased from the last quarter.
Updated on Feb 18, 2025, 12:56 PM UTC
Names | Technical rating | Price | %Change | Market Cap | P/E | P/B | Dividend Yield | Debt to Equity |
Max Financial Services | Bearish | 1,059.95 | -0.46 | 36,624.38 | 109.78 | 9.36 | - | 21.63 |
Star Health and Allied Insurance | Bearish | 392.00 | -0.63 | 22,995.24 | 27.64 | 3.56 | - | 7.29 |
Max India | Bearish | 222.00 | 1.02 | 962.51 | - | 1.96 | - | 7.94 |
Meeting Date | Purpose |
2025-01-28 | Quarterly Results |
2024-10-29 | Quarterly Results |
2024-07-30 | Quarterly Results |
2024-04-30 | Audited Results |
2024-01-30 | Quarterly Results |
Star Health and Allied Insurance is trading at 392.00 as on Tue Feb 18 2025 10:22:29. This is -0.63% lower as compared to its previous closing price of 394.50.
The market capitalization of Star Health and Allied Insurance is 22995.24 Cr as on Tue Feb 18 2025 10:22:29.
The average broker rating on Star Health and Allied Insurance is Buy. The breakup of analyst rating is given below -
The 52 wk high for Star Health and Allied Insurance is 647.65 whereas the 52 wk low is 384.05
Star Health and Allied Insurance can be analyzed on the following key metrics -
Star Health and Allied Insurance reported a net profit of 845.01 Cr in 2024.
The Mutual Fund Shareholding was 10.48% at the end of 31 Dec 2024.