Uma Converter is trading -0.92% lower at Rs 32.20 as compared to its last closing price. Uma Converter has been trading in the price range of 32.20 & 32.20. Uma Converter has given 4.26% in this year & 0.31% in the last 5 days. The company posted a net profit of 2.28 Crores in its last quarter.Listed peers of Uma Converter include Kronox Lab Sciences (-1.25%), Pyramid Technoplast (-1.04%), Uma Converter (-0.92%).The Mutual Fund holding in Uma Converter was at -% in . The MF holding has - from the last quarter. The FII holding in Uma Converter was at -% in . The FII holding has - from the last quarter.
Updated on Feb 08, 2025, 11:41 PM UTC
Names | Technical rating | Price | %Change | Market Cap | P/E | P/B | Dividend Yield | Debt to Equity |
Kronox Lab Sciences | Neutral | 181.10 | -1.25 | 671.76 | 31.38 | 10.1 | 0.28 | - |
Pyramid Technoplast | Neutral | 184.95 | -1.04 | 677.48 | 21.27 | 3 | - | 0.69 |
Uma Converter | Bearish | 32.20 | -0.92 | 652.83 | 15.70 | 9.09 | - | 34.04 |
Tolins Tyres | Moderately Bearish | 163.50 | -0.30 | 645.03 | 25.39 | 6.52 | - | 8.76 |
Vraj Iron And Steel | Bearish | 187.80 | -0.71 | 618.79 | 11.05 | 3.17 | - | 26.23 |
Meeting Date | Purpose |
2024-11-14 | Quarterly Results |
2024-05-16 | Audited Results |
2023-11-08 | Quarterly Results |
2023-05-15 | Audited Results |
Uma Converter is trading at 32.20 as on Fri Feb 07 2025 09:59:31. This is -0.92% lower as compared to its previous closing price of 32.50.
The market capitalization of Uma Converter is 652.83 Cr as on Fri Feb 07 2025 09:59:31.
The 52 wk high for Uma Converter is 45.05 whereas the 52 wk low is 24.05
Uma Converter can be analyzed on the following key metrics -
Uma Converter reported a net profit of 4.19 Cr in 2024.