Everyone wants to know how much money to save or how much to invest for a financially viable future. No one actually knows how to get right with finances. Every decision regarding finance seems like a shortcoming when assessed in hindsight, which is why not many people make money or continue to work late in life. The financial industry does provide clues on how much one must save and invest or how to invest or the importance of investing early in life. However, all answers and solutions to inquiries are based on data, conjectures, and beliefs. Not that they are wrong, but the same rules do not apply to everybody, which means that you must be careful of what information or advice you absorb in the long run.
Popular finance blogger Nick Maggiulli realizes how the complexity of numbers adds to the difficulty of understanding personal finances. In his much-acclaimed book “Just Keep Buying: Proven Ways to Save Money and Build Your Wealth”, he crunches huge numbers to elucidate investing and bring forth to people the simple side of personal finance that many people are averse to.
The content in the book can be summed up in just one line “It’s not about when to buy, how much to buy, or what to buy—just to keep buying”. Nick Maggiulli serves as the Chief Operating Officer and Data Scientist at Ritholtz Wealth Management, where he holds responsibilities for firm-wide operations and offers valuable insights in the field of business intelligence. Additionally, he is the creative mind behind OfDollarsAndData.com, a blog dedicated to exploring the convergence of data and personal finance. His current net worth is estimated at $ 1.18 million as available on the web.
This book on personal finance dwells on two aspects, viz., saving and investing. With solid data and empirical evidence as his foundation, Maggiulli contends that the most effective wealth-building strategy entails the consistent and early accumulation of savings, coupled with prudent investments in low-cost index funds.
Here are some pivotal insights extracted from the book:
In concluding the financial considerations, he emphasizes that time will perpetually stand as our most invaluable asset. “We may discover ways to increase our earnings, but there’s no price tag on acquiring more time.”
It is not difficult to be smart with your money. Just follow some simple strategies about how to save and invest your money. This will not only help you survive a market crash but also thrive on it while helping you create wealth for your future.
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