Credit cards are a great way to shop smartly while avoiding a burn in your pocket. Money transfer between a credit card to a bank account is a convenient way in case you are facing financial problems or you have urgent expenses or personal emergencies. Though generally intended for transactions and purchases, credit cards also provide cash advance and money transfer features.
While this may be an easy and convenient way to get quick cash, it may attract charges and fees which you may be liable to pay. Let us understand how you can send money from your credit card to your bank account in detail.
Credit card usage: Keep your credit card usage limited to direct purchases. It is advisable to use fund transfers to the bank account only in emergency circumstances.
Income tax scrutiny:Excessive usage of credit cards may draw scrutiny by the Income Tax Department.
Credit score:Keep a healthy credit score by paying credit card dues on time. This way you can improve your chances of getting low interest rates on your future borrowings.
Fees and charges:Transfer fees and interest rates usually apply from the time of transfer. It is advisable to be aware of all the charges which you will be bound to pay beforehand in order to avoid any last minute surprises.
Credit limit: It is advisable to check the available credit limit on your card to avoid penalties in transfers. You must also make sure that you maintain a low credit utilisation ratio in order to avoid any degradation of your credit score.
In conclusion, transferring money from a credit card to a bank account in emergency situations can be a life saver, but it comes at a price and with risk. It is better to evaluate your needs before transferring funds in order to avoid any unnecessary financial burdens. This way you can make informed decisions and keep a healthy credit profile while enjoying the perks of your credit card.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)
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