Credit cards add a great value to your lifestyle as it provides you exclusive offers and deals on your favourite brands which can help you save big while spending less. Credit cards can be a great help if planned wisely and can also prove to be a necessity as it can save you in crucial times when you really require funds and are not in the position to pay. If you have applied for an ICICI credit card, you can activate your credit card in simple and quick steps. Let us have a look:
Set up internet banking:You can register your card for internet and mobile banking to view transactions, check statements and change your card settings.
Enable international usage: For international transactions, make sure this feature is enabled via internet banking or via customer care. This feature can help you do transactions smoothly when you travel internationally or if you want to do transactions on foreign websites.
Review terms and conditions: Familiarise yourself with the card’s features, fees and rewards program so you can make the most of it.
In conclusion, credit cards can be a great way to save on your expenses while not compromising on your lifestyle and wants. However, unplanned spending and spontaneous transactions can make you fall into a debt trap which will be a burden for your financial health.
Defaults in bill repayments can damage your credit score which will lower your chances of getting loans in future. Hence, always be aware of your spending and make wise decisions.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)
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