Actor Shah Rukh Khan said on Monday that team Pathaan is grateful for all the love the movie has received since its release in spite of the protests against it. Shah Rukh Khan whose ‘Pathaan’ is creating new records at Box Office held a press conference in Mumbai with co-actors – Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Since its release last week, Pathaan has raked in over ₹500 crore.
Addressing the press conference, Shah Rukh Khan said the team is grateful to the audience for their support to movie ‘Pathaan’ in spite of the things that “would have curtailed the release of the film”.
“[We are] grateful for people’s love for Pathaan. We have got so much love from all sides. We are all extremely grateful to the audience and media for supporting the film (Pathaan) so much in spite of the fact that there might have been things that would have curtailed the happy release of the film,” Shah Rukh Khan said.
Shah Rukh Khan said that there were times when the team had to call people, requesting them to let the film be released peacefully.
“There were times when we had to call people and ask them to please let us release our film peacefully….I want to thank all the people who helped us release this film for the people,” Shah Rukh Khan said.
Internationally, sale of Pathaan movie tickets' soared past ₹one billion in just three days, Yash Raj Films said.
On Sunday, Shah Rukh Khan greeted a sea of his supporters outside his home in Bandra who were waiting for him outside his house ‘Mannat’.
Shah Rukh Khan waved, blew kisses and greeted his fans with ‘Namaste’ and ‘Salaam’ as the crows cheered on.
The 57-year-old actor shared a video of the crowded street outside his house and captioned the post with: “Mehmaan Nawaazi Pathaan ke ghar par... Thank u all my Mehmaans for making my Sunday so full of love. Grateful. Happy. Loved.”
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