Indian Railways' eleventh Vande Bharat Express will be flagged today which will operate from Rani Kamalapati station in Bhopal and Hazrat Nizamuddin in the national capital. This will be Madhya Pradesh's first Vande Bharat Express and also it will be the second fastest Vande Bharat Express to operate after the New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express. The train will cover 700km distance in 7.30 hours which is lesser than the time taken by the New Delhi-Bhopal Shatabdi Express. The train will operate six days a week and will not run on Saturday.
The fare of Vande Bharat Express( Train No- 20172) between Hazrat Nizamuddin to Rani Kamalapati station will be ₹1665 which includes ₹308 as catering charges which is optional and ₹3120 in the Executive Class between both the stations and also includes ₹369 as catering charges. Meanwhile, the fare on Train No- 20171 Vande Bharat Express will be ₹1735 in Chair Car and includes ₹379 as catering charges and ₹3185 in Executive Cass which will also include ₹434 as catering charge.
S.N. | Station Code | Station Name | Route Number | Arrival Time | Departure Time | Halt Time(In minutes) | Distance | Day |
1 | RKMP | RANI KAMALAPATI | 1 | -- | 05:40 | -- | 0 | 1 |
2 | VGLB | V LAKSHMIBAI | 1 | 08:46 | 08:48 | 02:00 | 297 | 1 |
3 | GWL | GWALIOR | 1 | 09:48 | 09:50 | 02:00 | 395 | 1 |
4 | AGC | AGRA CANTT | 1 | 11:23 | 11:25 | 02:00 | 513 | 1 |
5 | NZM | H NIZAMUDDIN | 1 | 13:10 | -- | -- | 700 | 1 |
S.N. | Station Code | Station Name | Route Number | Arrival Time | Departure Time | Halt Time(In minutes) | Distance | Day |
1 | NZM | H NIZAMUDDIN | 1 | -- | 14:40 | -- | 0 | 1 |
2 | AGC | AGRA CANTT | 1 | 16:20 | 16:22 | 02:00 | 188 | 1 |
3 | GWL | GWALIOR | 1 | 17:45 | 17:47 | 02:00 | 306 | 1 |
4 | VGLB | V LAKSHMIBAI | 1 | 19:03 | 19:05 | 02:00 | 403 | 1 |
5 | RKMP | RANI KAMALAPATI | 1 | 22:10 | -- | -- | 700 | 1 |
Indian Railways will operate this train from Bhopal's Rani Kamlapati station to Hazrat Nizamuddin station instead of New Delhi railway station. Apart from Agra, it will also stop at Veerangana Laxmibai Jhansi and Gwalior stations. According to Railway Board sources, instead of New Delhi, if the train is operated from the Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station, the journey time will be reduced by about half an hour.
The indigenously designed train set of Vande Bharat Express is equipped with state-of-the-art passenger amenities. It will provide a faster, more comfortable and more convenient travel experience for rail users, boost tourism and promote economic development in the region.
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