A 24-year-old man, who was caught on camera brutally beating up his girlfriend in Madhya Pradesh, has been arrested. Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan office said, "Accused Pankaj Tripathi has been arrested and his illegally built house has been demolished. His driving license has also been cancelled."
The police had registered a case against the accused after a video of the attack, which took place earlier this week, surfaced on social media, an official said.
The accused, who is employed as a driver, was arrested from Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday night, Superintendent of Police (SP) Navneet Bhasin said.
The 19-year-old victim was admitted to a hospital in a critical condition and she is undergoing treatment, he said.
In-charge of Mauganj police station Shweta Maurya has been suspended for dereliction of duty, and the authorities have also demolished the house of the accused in Dhera village under Mauganj police station, the official said.
In a video of the incident, the woman is seen asking the accused to marry her. The man initially gets irritated and then proceeds to kick and slap her repeatedly in the face and keeps attacking the victim even after she faints. The victim had come to the police station to inform about the incident, but she refused to lodge a complaint. The accused was detained under section 151 (disturbing public peace) of the IPC and later released, an official had said earlier.
However, when a video of the attack surfaced, the police registered a case under section 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 366 (abduction) and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code. The victim has lodged a complaint against the person who shot and circulated the video and a case has been registered under Information Technology (IT) Act, the official said.
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