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Business News/ Science / Health/  How covid is keeping the world on edge

How covid is keeping the world on edge

Amid all this hullabaloo, India has remained relatively unscathed, with fewer than 500 new cases being reported daily.

The lack of transparency around China’s stats hasn’t helped.

Just when the world thought it had left the pandemic behind, the worrying news from China since mid-December has upended containment policies in several countries. The explosive surge in infections in China after it ditched its zero-covid policy has rung alarm bells globally, and countries such as the US, Australia, and Japan have seen a sudden spurt in infections. The lack of transparency around China’s stats hasn’t helped. The World Health Organization—in the past accused of being “soft" towards China—says the country has “under-represented" the true impact of the disease. Amid all this hullabaloo, India has remained relatively unscathed, with fewer than 500 new cases being reported daily. Experts attribute this to hybrid immunity, provided by a combination of prior infection and vaccination. Mint explores how covid is still keeping the world on the edge.

Just when the world thought it had left the pandemic behind, the worrying news from China since mid-December has upended containment policies in several countries. The explosive surge in infections in China after it ditched its zero-covid policy has rung alarm bells globally, and countries such as the US, Australia, and Japan have seen a sudden spurt in infections. The lack of transparency around China’s stats hasn’t helped. The World Health Organization—in the past accused of being “soft" towards China—says the country has “under-represented" the true impact of the disease. Amid all this hullabaloo, India has remained relatively unscathed, with fewer than 500 new cases being reported daily. Experts attribute this to hybrid immunity, provided by a combination of prior infection and vaccination. Mint explores how covid is still keeping the world on the edge.

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Nandita Venkatesan

Nandita Venkatesan is a data journalist at Mint. She has a keen interest in simplifying public data sets to help drive sound discourse and policymaking. Her work experience spans across journalism and public health research. She was part of Time magazine's "Time100 Next Leaders" list for her work in making essential generic pharmaceutical drugs cheaper.
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