Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday set the tone for Lok Sabha election 2024 with a massive hint that BJP will back in power next year. During his Independence Day 2023 address from Red Fort, PM Modi made a massive claim stating, “I will give an account of country's achievements on next August 15 from Red Fort”
“The next five years are for unprecedented development. The biggest golden moment to realise the dream of 2047 is the next five years. The next time, on August 15, I will present before you the achievements and developments of the country from this Red Fort,” PM Modi added.
This year, it was PM Modi's 10th Independence Day speech from Red Fort and also his last one ahead of 2024 polls.
Apart from this bold statement, he also made several reference that might be considered as election pitch for next year.
He also cited, since PM Modi government came into power, the nation speaks for perform, reform and transform. He said in 2014, he was given the mandate based on the promise of performance and in 2019 on the basis of what was delivered.
“When I came to you, in 2014, I came with the promise of change. You put faith in me...the promise of reform, performance, and transformation was turned into faith. I have worked hard for the country with the intent of nation first. In 2019, I was given the mandate and your blessings on the basis of my performance... and the next five years are of unprecedented development. It is the golden moment for making India developed by 2047.”
Throghout his speech, PM Modi repeatedly criticised Congress and opposition for dynastic politics. Decrying corruption, nepotism and appeasement as the three evils that have harmed the country immensely, he said it is a collective responsibility to promote "suchita (probity), pardarshita (transparency), nishpakshta (objectivity)" to make India developed.
'Parivarvaad' and appeasement have caused immense damage to the country. How can a political party have only one family in charge? For them, their life mantra is 'Party of the family, by the family and for the family,’" PM Modi said in a veiled dig at some opponents of the BJP.
"I firmly believe that when the country will celebrate 100 years of freedom in 2047, the country would be a developed India. I say this on the basis of the capability of my country and available resources. But the need of the hour is to fight three evils - corruption, dynasty and appeasement," he added.
During his 77th Independence Day address, PM Modi altered his usual salutation to the citizens of India.
Adopted a more personal tone, he referred to the people of the country as “parivaarjan (family members)” throughout the speech, departing from the customary "my fellow citizens" and "my beloved brothers and sisters."
he adopted a more personal tone by referring to the nation's populace as "my beloved 140 crore family members."
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