Indian Railways have decided to extend the Rani Kamlapati-Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express till Rewa from Monday. By extending from the capital of Madhya Pradesh to Katni, Maihar, and Satna of Mahakaushal area of the Madhya Pradesh. This will save valuable time for commuters traveling between cities. The train will operate six days a week except on Tuesday.
Train No- 20173 will leave Rani Kamlapati station at 3.30 pm and willreach Narmadapuram at 4.18 pm, Itarsi at 4.45 pm, Pipariya at 5.28 pm, Narsinghpur at 6.28 pm, Jabalpur at 7.50 pm , Katni at 9.10 pm, Maihar at 10 pm, Satna at 10.30 pm and will reach Rewa at 11.30 pm.
The train will leave Rewa at 5.30 am, reach Satna at 6.10 am, Maihar at 6.40 am, Katni at 7.28 am, Jabalpur 8.35 am, Narsinghpur at 9.40 am, Pipariya at 10.40 am, Itarsi at 11.40 am, Narmadapuram at 12.08 pm, and Rani Kamlapati station at 1.30 pm.
The Rani Kamalapati-Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express will connect Mahakaushal region (Jabalpur) to the central region (Bhopal) of Madhya Pradesh. The train will be about 30 minutes faster than the existing fastest train on the route, it said.
The Vande Bharat Trains, known for their semi-high-speed service, initially commenced operations in February 2019 from Delhi to Varanasi. Presently, 68 Vande Bharat train services are operational throughout the country. This new leap in efficiency is expected to redefine passenger expectations and enhance the overall railway travel experience.
Vande Bharat Express trains offer a myriad of superior amenities which will provide passengers with world class comfortable travelling experience & advanced state-of-the-art safety features including KAVACH technology. Each train has been provided with bogies having fully suspended traction motors for 160 kmph operational speed. The advanced state-of-the-art suspension system ensures smooth and safe journey & enhanced riding comfort for passengers.
The train has been designed to increase Indian Railways' Green footprint by dispensing with the power cars and saving about 30% electricity with advanced regenerative braking system.
Vande Bharat Express trains which offer a plethora of superior amenities that will provide passengers with a world-class and comfortable travel experience. They also boast advanced state-of-the-art safety features, including KAVACH technology. Each train is equipped with bogies that have fully suspended traction motors, enabling an operational speed of 160 kmph. The advanced suspension system ensures a smooth and safe journey, enhancing the overall comfort of passengers.
*With Agency Inputs
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