Indian Railways will soon introduce a new Vande Bharat Express, which will be the 35th one. The new Vande Bharat Express will connect the industrial city of Tatanagar in Jharkhand with the spiritual city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. This new Vande Bharat Express train will be the second one that will connect Varanasi. It is to be noted that Varanasi also got the first Vande Bharat Express which connects it with New Delhi and also has the highest average speed among all the Vande Bharat Express trains that operate in the country. As of now 34 Vande Bharat Express operates connecting various parts of the country.
The new Vande Bharat Express will operate six days a week and will have an eight-coach rake instead of the 16-coach one, according to reports. The reports further stated that the service of the new train is likely to be inaugurated before Navratri.
According to the tentative timetable, the train will have six stoppages which include Tatanagar Jn, Purulia Jn, Bokaro City, Gaya Jn, Pt DD Upadhyaya. Jn and Varanasi Jn. The train will depart from Tatanagar Jn at morning 6am and will reach Varanasi Jn at 1.50 pm covering a distance of 574 kilometers in 7 hours 50 minutes. In the return jouney the train will depart Varanasi Jn at 2.35 pm and reach Tatanagar at 10.00 pm.
The Vande-Bharat trains known for their indigenization are equipped with cutting-edge facilities for passengers to offer a swifter, comfortable and remarkably convenient travel experience.
Meanwhile, emulating the rapid cleaning procedures witnessed in Japan's Bullet Trains, where they achieve a cleaning time of 7 minutes, this new endeavour by Indian Railways is poised to redefine the standards for train cleanliness.
A process that once consumed 3-4 hours will now be executed within a mere 15 minutes, top sources of Ministry of Railways informed ANI.
The sources said that each coach of the Vande Bharat train will be cleaned by a dedicated team of four cleaning staff. Extensive training programs, spanning over a month, have equipped these staff members for the meticulously planned manual cleaning process. Multiple mock drills have further fine-tuned their skills, ensuring a seamless execution of the rapid cleaning operation.
It is notable that earlier this year in January, Railways Minister Vaishnaw had hinted at a transformation in the cleaning process of India's premium trains. Now, with this initiative, the Railways plans to extend the same efficient cleaning mechanism to all trains once proven effective and fully functional.
It is pertinent to note that in light of the millions of passengers who travel daily, the initiative aims to elevate their travel experience to a world-class standard, where cleanliness plays a pivotal role.
The Vande Bharat Trains, known for their semi-high-speed service, initially commenced operations in February 2019 from Delhi to Varanasi. Presently, 68 Vande Bharat train services are operational throughout the country. This new leap in efficiency is expected to redefine passenger expectations and enhance the overall railway travel experience.
*With Agency Inputs
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