New Delhi: A day before its scheduled conclusion, Lok Sabha was adjourned sine die on Tuesday evening by Speaker Om Birla. This was the first session of the 17th Lok Sabha, which had begun on 17 June and was earlier scheduled to end on 26 July but was later extended for business till 7 August. In his concluding remarks, Birla also mentioned how this session of Lok Sabha was the best session since 1952.
“A total of 37 sittings happened in which we worked for 280 hours… since 1952 this has been a golden session for Lok Sabha,” Birla said adding that 35 bills were passed ruing the budget session of Parliament. Speaking in detail about the productivity statistics, a total 183 starred questions were orally answered, 1,066 issues of urgent importance were taken up and 488 issues were taken up under rule 377.
The announcement by Birla came after union parliamentary affairs minister Pralhad Joshi requested to him that ‘99% government business’ was completed and hence the session could be adjourned sine die.
Birla also said that the session stood out for the participation from first time lawmakers in the House. “Out of the 265 first time MPs, almost all of them got a chance to speak in the session including those in Zero Hour and other discussions. During Question Hour, 229 out of 265 first time lawmakers spoke and 42 out of 46 first time women lawmakers also spoke,” he added.
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