Malayalam cine-serial actor Aparna Nair passed away at the age of 33. As per police, Aparna was found hanging inside her room at her residence near Thiruvananthapuram's Karamana last night, PTI has reported. She is survived by her husband and two children.
The 33-year old actor has acted in a few movies and numerous television serials. Aparna was staying with her husband and children. As per the police, the incident happened at around 7.30 pm on 31 August. As per the report, the Police were informed about the incident by a private hospital where Aparna was admitted after she was found hanging.
"We received the information from the hospital and have registered a case for unnatural death," a police officer told PTI.
Police are suspecting a case of suicide and that family issues were behind this extreme step taken by Aparna. The police also added that an investigation has been launched into the incident.
(With inputs from PTI)
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