Jagdeep Dhankhar has won India's Vice Presidential election 2022, defeating Opposition candidate Margaret Alva by 346 votes on Saturday. Dhankhar will be country's 14th Vice President, taking over from M Venkaiah Naidu. Jagdeep Dhankhar received 528 votes against opposition candidate Margaret Alva who got 182 votes. Dhankhar will take the oath of office on August 11, a day after the term of the incumbent Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu ends.
Here are 10 things to know about India's new Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar:
- Jagdeep Dhankhar became one of the leading lawyers in Rajasthan and practiced in both the Rajasthan High Court and the Supreme Court. He also headed Rajasthan High Court Bar Association.
Jagdeep Dhankhar's political life:
- He was elected to Lok Sabha from Rajasthan’s Jhunjhunu in 1989.
- He served as a minister of state for Parliamentary Affairs in the Janata Dal government led by Chandra Shekhar.
- Dhankhar represented the Kishangarh constituency of Ajmer district in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly from 1993-1998.
- Dhankhar, who had been associated with the Janata Dal and the Congress, joined the BJP only in 2008 after a hiatus of nearly a decade.
- He has championed issues related to Other Backward Classes, including the grant of OBC status to the Jat community in Rajasthan.
Jagdeep Dhankhar as West Bengal's Governor:
- He became the governor of West Bengal in July 2019 and has made headlines since then over his tumultuous relations with the Mamata Banerjee government.
- The TMC leadership has often accused him of acting as an `agent of the BJP’, but Dhankhar maintained that he has gone by the rule book and the Constitution on several issues. He tendered his resignation as the Governor of West Bengal last month.
Jagdeep Dhankhar's education: