Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Union Minister for Railways, Communications, Electronics & Information Technology, on Monday took to microblogging platform X to share an animated video of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad train corridor also known as 'Bullet train.'
Captioning it “Stay tuned for #BulletTrain in Modi 3.0!”, Vaishnaw's post ahead of the upcoming elections, seemed like yet another poll promise in the Indian railways, if Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his cabinet is voted back to power for a third straight term, in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha Elections.
The Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor has been making steady progress since work began in November 2021. Last year, the Railway minister announced that the first bullet train section in India - a 50km stretch between Bilimora and Surat in Gujarat - will be completed in August 2026.
The Indian Railways will run 35 bullet trains when it starts operations, with about 70 trips per day. It plans to increase the number to 105 trains by 2050. Around 1.6 crore people are expected to travel by train every year when operations begin.
Earlier, Vaishnaw had informed the Rajya Sabha that the Indian Railways undertook feasibility studies on three Golden Quadrilateral routes -- Delhi-Kolkata, Delhi-Mumbai and Mumbai-Chennai -- for the development of high-speed rail corridors.
-Covering a distance of 508 km between Mumbai and Ahmedabad, the bullet train is expected to achieve a maximum speed of 320 km per hour
-The Bullet Train is likely to reduce travel time to just 2 hours
-Vaishnaw's video said that the corridor would feature a slab track system, a technology to be used for the first time in India
-The Bullet Train corridor will also feature an early earthquake detection system
-24 river bridges, 28 steel bridges, and 7 mountain tunnels are being erected for the bullet train route
-The Bullet Train corridor will have a 7 kilometres long undersea tunnel
-The corridor will also feature 12 state-of-the-art railways stations
-The video describes the project as, ''a marvel of world-class engineering'' and the ''future of India.''
-Notably, the projected cost is an estimated ₹ 1.08 lakh crore, of which the Centre is committed to providing ₹ 10,000 crores, while Gujarat and Maharashtra will contribute ₹ 5,000 crores each.
-The remaining funding will be secured through a loan from Japan - at a minimal 0.1 percent interest rate.
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