The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned for the day on Friday, amid continued slogan-shouting from the Opposition benches over the demand for a discussion on the Manipur situation. Amid persistent uproar over Manipur and the motion of no-confidence against the Centre, both Houses were adjourned till 11 am on Monday.
Members of the INDIA bloc have been adamant on the demand that all listed businesses in both Houses be aside for a discussion on the Manipur situation.
They have also been insisting on a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the prevailing state of affairs in the Northeast state.
Catch all the latest updates on Monsoon Session at LIVEMINT blog:
No Confidence Motion: INDIA alliance MPs to wear 'black' clothes today
All Members of Parliament from the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (I.N.D.I.A) will wear black clothes to the Parliament to register its protest over the situation in Manipur.
Congress and other opposition parties have been demanding a detailed discussion on the situation in Manipur and a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They have resorted to protests and sloganeering in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, forcing adjournments of the two Houses since the commencement of the monsoon session of Parliament on July 20.
No Confidence Motion: PM Modi should speak on the Manipur issue at Parliament, says Sanjay Singh
AAP MP Sanjay Singh says, "Today is the 4th day of team INDIA's protest & we have been demanding that PM Modi should come to the Parliament and speak on the Manipur issue...Manipur is burning and people are residing in relief camps. But PM Modi is comparing INDIA with terrorist groups & saying that he would come to power in 2024. He should at least show some sensitivity..."
No Confidence Motion: PM will speak inside when it is necessary, says BPJ leader
On ruckus in the Parliament over Manipur issue and No Confidence Motion by the Opposition, BJP MP Jagannath Sarkar says, "...They are demanding discussion and we are ready. Home Minister has said that the discussion can run as long as they (Opposition) as they want. Why do they want PM to speak first? PM has already spoken outside the Parliament. He will speak inside when it is necessary. He can speak after the discussion. But they are creating a ruckus...They do not have the numbers.."
No-confidence motion: If PM Modi speaks up maybe the situation in Manipur can improve, says RJD MP Manoj Jha
RJD MP Manoj Jha says, "...The opposition has moved a no-confidence motion against the government. This no-confidence motion this time is also important because it is not because we do not like PM Modi but for accountability of the people of Manipur...They have the legislative majority & but not the moral majority...If PM Modi speaks up maybe the situation in Manipur can improve...We only want that the Parliament should express collective shame...If Manipur is not given a sense that you belong to us, nothing could be more dangerous in the entire federal scheme of things."
Lok Sabha Live: From Indira Gandhi to Modi, PMs who faced no-confidence motion ahead of polls
Narendra Modi has become the seventh incumbent Prime Minister in the country after Indira Gandhi to face a no-confidence motion ahead of the General election.
Yesterday, Lok Speaker Om Birla accepted the Opposition's no-confidence motion brought by Congress party MP Gaurav Gogoi against the Centre in order to persuade PM Modi, to make a statement in the House on the Manipur violence that has stalled the Parliament for five consecutive days.
It is the seventh instance wherein a no-confidence motion has been accepted within 12 months of the national election. (Read here)
Lok Sabha Live: INDIA is one cohesive force, says TMC Derek O'Brien
TMC Rajya Sabha MP Derek O'Brien said that the opposition parties which has branded themselves as I.N.D.I.A. are moving forward like "one cohesive force" and "energy", as far as the opposition's move in Parliament is concerned.
"Whether it is notices, whether it is tactics and strategy in order to get the Prime Minister to speak tomorrow, Day 6 (of the Monsoon session), or the No Confidence Motion, it is one cohesive force, energy which is moving ahead," O'Brien said on Wednesday.
The TMC Rajya Sabha MP while speaking at a joint press conference with TMC MP Saugata Roy said that the opposition parties are having meetings every morning with all I.N.D.I.A. parties to deliberate on their strategies in Parliament and these will continue even after the Monsoon Session ends.
"In terms of the strategy in Parliament...we are having meetings every morning with all I.N.D.I.A.parties, all going smoothly, purposefully. This will carry on beyond Parlaiment, that is 11 August," he said.
No Confidence Motion in Lok Sabha: INDIA demands Speaker suspends all business to discuss motion today
The opposition alliance under the banner of INDIA demanded the Lok Sabha Speaker to discuss the "No Confidence Motion" on Thursday and suspend all other business.
Noting that this demand is not from Congress alone but entire opposition alliance, Manish Tewari, a senior Congress party leader, said on Wednesday, although the rule 198-A of the Rules of Procedures and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha suggest that the Speaker has the discretion to allow discussion on the ‘No Confidence Motion’ within 10 days, but the tradition is that once it is accepted by the Speaker, all other business is suspended and discussion is initiated immediately.
Tewari suggested adhering to tradition by suspending all other parliamentary business for a motion discussion today. He added that if 100 or more MPs support the motion, conducting any other business in the parliament would be inappropriate. (Read here)