As many as 21.9 Crore Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) IDs have been created while more than 53,341 health facilities have been registered under Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Mission till date, said Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, union health minister on Saturday.
“Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission is transforming the healthcare sector & bringing revolutionary change to the lives of all citizens,” said Mandaviya adding that over 11,677 healthcare professionals have registered themselves under the digital mission.
On Friday, National Health Authority (NHA) which is implementing the Centre’s flagship scheme ABDM conducted a convention with different technology partners of ABDM to discuss the different ways in which the digital health ecosystem of India can be strengthened further.
The ABDM aims to develop the backbone necessary to support the integrated digital health infrastructure of the country. It will bridge the existing gap amongst different stakeholders of healthcare ecosystem through digital highways.
Since the launch of the mission, over 40 digital health services have been incorporated in the ABDM sandbox.
“The core objective of ABDM is to leverage technology to deliver health services to remotest areas of the country. To address the lack of infrastructure and access to doctors, ABDM envisages all healthcare-related activities to move online. For this, it is imperative that we take up the onboarding of healthcare professionals and health facilities in the national registries of HPR (Healthcare Professionals Registry) and HFR (Health Facilities Registry) being built by ABDM.”
NHA aims that health tech players can bring in innovative solutions with lesser steps to onboard professionals & facilities using the open APIs published. “They can further train other small players on ABDM onboard process and spread awareness about benefits of registering in HFR/HPR,” Dr. R. S. Sharma, CEO, NHA said.
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