Days after Rahul Gandhi's Lok Sabha membership was reinstated, the Congress leader is now set to visit his parliamentary constituency in Kerala’s Wayanad on August 12. Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee Working president VT Siddique on Tuesday said, “Rahul Gandhi will be coming to Wayanad on 12th August”
While speaking to news agency ANI, he said, “We are going to arrange a warm reception for him and the preparations have already started. There is a district Congress Committee meeting tomorrow. Rahul Gandhi will be present here on 12th and 13th August.”
On Monday, Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's Lok Sabha membership was restored after which he was free to attend Parliament sessions. He remained suspended from the Parliament for 4 months. Prior to that on Friday, the Supreme Court had suspended Rahul Gandhi's conviction in defamation case linked to Modi surname remarks. Following which, his membership was restored.
Meanwhile, reports also suggested that Gandhi is also now allowed to return to his official residence at 12, Tughlaq Lane. “Rahul Gandhi has got an official confirmation from the Estate office for the allotment of a bungalow to him as an MP in Delhi,” the sources said on Tuesday.
When the reporters asked about the feeling of return, Rahul Gandhi paused and said “Mera ghar poora Hindustan hai.” The Wayanad MP was asked to vacate his house after he was disqualified as a member of the lower house on March 24.
Meanwhile, the second leg of Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Yatra is set to begin from Gujarat and extend to the northeastern state of Meghalaya. Senior party leader Jairam Ramesh had previously broached the possibility of a march from Porbandar in Gujarat to Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh ‘before November’.
(With inputs from ANI)
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