On Saturday, singer Shreya Ghoshal took to Instagram and X to announce the rescheduling of her Kolkata concert following the recent 'gruesome' rape and murder of RG Kar hospital's trainee doctor in the city. Ghoshal expressed her profound shock and distress over the incident, which led her to make the decision to push back her Shreya Ghoshal Live, All Hearts Tour Ishq FM Grand Concert's Kolkata performance, scheduled on September 14.
Shreya Ghoshal stated, “I am deeply affected by the gruesome and heinous incident that recently took place in Kolkata. Being a woman myself, the very thought of the sheer brutality that she must have gone through is unthinkable and sends shivers down my spine. With an aching heart and with deep sorrow, my promoters and I wish to reschedule our concert ‘Shreya Ghoshal Live, All Hearts Tour Ishq FM Grand Concert’ which was originally scheduled for the 14th of September 2024 to a new date in October 2024.”
Shreya Ghoshal further added, “This concert was highly anticipated by all of us, but it is absolutely imperative for me to take a stand and join you all in solidarity. I sincerely pray for the respect and safety of women in this world, not just our country. I am hopeful my friends and fans will accept and understand our decision to push this concert. Please stay together with my band and myself, as we stand united against the demons of humankind. I request you to bear with us while we announce a new date. Your current tickets will remain valid for the new date. Looking forward to seeing you all. Love, prayers and hope -- Shreya Ghoshal.”
The concert set to be held on September 14 at Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata, will now be rescheduled to October. Ticket holders have been assured that their existing tickets will be valid for the new date.
The organizers have indicated on their website, “Hey, this event has been rescheduled but watch this space for updates.”
In response to the tragic RG Kar hospital doctor's rape and murder case, several other celebrities including Alia Bhatt, Kangana Ranaut, Kareena Kapoor, Karan Johar, Hrithik Roshan, and Randeep Hooda have also expressed their horror and condolences.
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