WhatsApp has introduced a new feature allowing users to use same account on multiple devices. The users of messaging application can now use their WhatsApp account on four devices at the same time. The Meta-owned platform informed that the new feature will allow users to link each device with WhatsApp independently and ensure end-to-end encryption of messages, media, and calls.
If the primary device remains inactive for an extended period of time, then all companion devices linked to the WhatsApp user's account will automatically log out. WhatsApp has suggested that linking phones as companion devices will make messaging more convenient for users, allowing them to switch between devices without having to log out and enabling them to resume chats from where they left off.
The feature will also facilitate small business owners and the employee of the business would now be able to reply to customers through the same WhatsApp business account.
The messaging platform has announced an ‘alternative and more accessible’ process to link companion devices. The new feature has been rolled out globally and will be available to all users in the world in the coming few weeks.
Instead of scanning a QR code, WhatsApp Web allows users to input their phone numbers to receive a one-time code. This code can then be used on their phone to activate device linking.
The new feature by the Meta-owned platform came at a time when it is trying to increase its efforts at protecting the privacy of its users. Recently, in a new update, WhatsApp allowed its users to post their WhatsApp Status to their Facebook Story automatically by enabling the feature.
At an earlier point in time this year, WhatsApp added a privacy audience selector for Status updates. This allows users to specify who can view their status updates.
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