Vande Bharat trains are set to get a new exterior as per reports. The new trains will have orange-coloured exteriors and will make their debut on Saturday (19 August) from the Integral Coach Factory in Chennai. Besides, the new trains will include a slew of innovative safety and technical enhancement features.
According to a report by Free Press Journal, the new orange-coloured Vande Bharat Express trains will have eight coaches and comfortable reclining seats. Besides, the new trains are expected to have extended footrests for Executive Chair car class coaches, better access to mobile charging points, and improvements in the basin to prevent water splashes. In addition to this, passengers will also be able to experience better toilet lighting, touch-sensitive reading lamps, and advanced roller blind fabric.
In terms of improved functionality for passengers with special needs, the new Vande Bharat train is equipped with fixing points for attaching the wheelchair in driving trailer coaches and an anti-climbing device that is expected to enhance safety, the FPJ report noted.
Earlier in July this year, Union Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said that the 28th rake of Indian-built semi-high-speed Vande Bharat Express will be 'saffron' in colour. He said the new colour of the 28th rake of the indigenous train is "inspired by Indian Tricolour".
A total of 25 rakes of Vande Bharat Express are operational on their designated routes and two rakes are reserved.
The first Vande Bharat Express was flagged off on February 15, 2019, by the Prime Minister, running between New Delhi and Varanasi.
The project to manufacture indigenous semi-high-speed train sets began in mid-2017, and within 18 months, the ICF Chennai completed Train-18. India's first semi-high-speed train was renamed Vande Bharat Express in January 2019 to emphasize its made-in-India status. The train achieved a maximum speed of 180 kmph on the Kota-Sawai Madhopur section.
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