Indian Railways is planning to operate Vande Bharat express trains connecting Gujarat's Vadodara city to Maharashtra's Pune, as reported by Times of India. As per the report, apart from this, Gujarat state is also soon set to get its second semi-high speed train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai Central route, for which the trial run was undertaken on 10 November.
The plan to operate the new Ahmedabad and Mumbai Central route came after a rise in demand among commuters. The 1st Vande Bharat train which was launched in September last year connecting Mumbai Central to Gandhinagar recorded an average daily ridership of 142 per cent in October this year while the percentage in the opposite way was 146 per cent, TOI report states.
Speaking of the Vadodra-Pune Vande Bharat Express, officials told the daily that the train on this route will be connected via Vasai Road. The trial run on the Vadodra to Vasai road will soon take place wherein it will depart Vadodra at 4.35 pm and reach Vasai Road at 8.40 while from Vasai Road it will depart at 11.37 am and reach Vadodra at 3.30 pm. The report further added that the Vasai-Pune leg trial schedule has not yet been released.
Gujarat got its 1st Vande Bharat train last year connecting Mumbai Central to Gandhinagar. Train No 20901 runs six days a week except for Wednesday. The departure from Gandhinagar is scheduled at 14:05 and reaches Mumbai Central at 20:25 while from Mumbai Central the train departs at 6 am and reaches Gandhinagar at 12:25 pm.
Another Vande Bharat in the state that started in September this year is the Ahmedabad-Jamnagar Vande Bharat Superfast Express. This train runs six days a week and departs from Ahmedabad at 18.10 and reaches Jamnagar at 22:35 while from Jamnagar, the train departs at 5:45 am and reaches Ahmedabad at 10.10 am. The train halts at Rajkot, Wankaner Jn, Surrendranagar, Viramgam Jn, Sanand, Sabarmati Jn .
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