Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's daughter Parakala Vangamayi married Pratik Doshi on Thursday, sparking buzz about the government official. The low-key ceremony took place in Bengaluru with the only clear indication coming from a now viral video on social media. The wedding was reportedly attended by close friends and family.
Doshi is a special duty officer with the Prime Minister's Office who was elevated to the rank of joint secretary in June 2019. The low profile official currently looks after the research and strategy wing of the PMO. As per the government website his role is “to provide secretarial assistance to the PM in terms of government of India (allocation of business) rules, 1961 with matters including but not limited to research and strategy.”
The Singapore Management School graduate had previously worked as a research assistant in the Gujarat Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) during Modi’s tenure as the chief minister. Doshi is not active on any social media.
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