Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to deliver his 10th consecutive Independence Day speech from the ramparts of Red Fort on Tuesday, on the occasion of 77th Independence Day of India. Since tomorrow’s Independence speech would also be his last before the Lok Sabha election 2024, there is much anticipation around the event where the prime minister is likely to showcase his government's achievements, introduce flagship initiatives, and articulate his vision for the nation.
Just like his previous addresses, PM Narendra Modi may chart how India has progressed under his rule and share his vision for the years to come, while also emphasising on India’s rising global stature.
Starting with his inaugural Independence Day address in 2014, PM Narendra Modi introduced numerous initiatives like Swachh Bharat and Jan Dhan accounts.
Since then, he has consistently utilized this occasion to make significant announcements and connect with the public on various topics, addressing matters such as crimes against women and societal tensions. PM Modi may also announce important schemes ahead of the Lok Sabha polls 2024.
In 2022, the highlight of his Independence Day speech was “Panch Pran” or five pledges where he invited people to make India a developed nation by 2047.
In line with the Central government’s ‘Jan Bhagidari’, a group of 50 nurses, accompanied by their families, hailing from different parts of the country, have received special invitations to attend PM Narendra Modi's Independence Day speech. The 50 nurses are among the 1800 special guests such as sarpanches, teachers, farmers, and fishermen.
Ahead of this Independence Day, PM Narendra Modi urged Indians to take part in the 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign. On Twitter (now known as X), PM Modi wrote, "In the spirit of the #HarGharTiranga movement, let us change the DP [Display Picture] of our social media accounts and extend support to this unique effort which will deepen the bond between our beloved country and us".
(With agency inputs)
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