A notorious 40-year-old jewel thief was recently arrested for stealing millions from fellow passengers carry-on bagage. As per the Times of India report, the accused allegedly took about 200 flights in a year and stole jewellery and cash. Not just this, the report also mentioned that with his frequent flights, the accused was able to purchase a hotel in central Delhi's Paharganj area using his "frequent flyer miles."
As per the report, the man, identified as Rajesh Kapoor, used his deceased brother Rishi's identity, fake mobile number, forged documents to book tickets. While speaking to TOI, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), IGI Airport Usha Rangnani said that he mostly targeted elderly women and would often stalk passengers on connecting flights. "He committed the thefts inside the aircraft as well as during security checks," Rangnani said while speaking to ANI.
Additionally, the TOI report also added that Kapoor was allegedly active since 2005. Initially, he targeted air-conditioned train coaches for robberies and then later shifted to flights.
While speaking to ANI, Rangnani said, “A notorious jewel thief and receiver of stolen property has been arrested by Team IGI, putting an end to ongoing aircraft heists. A huge stash of stolen jewellery has been recovered.”
DCP Rangnani told TOI that Kapoor was not alone in this and his associate Sharad Jain helped him with the stolen goods. “Jain is a jeweller based in Karol Bagh. He received and bought the stolen items from Kapoor,” DCP Rangnani said as quoted by TOI.
Speaking on how was he arrested, the report added that this came after two passengers lodged complaints stating that their jewellery which was kept in the flight cabin bagage was stolen. The first complaint was lodged in February and the other in April. While carrying out the investigation, the report added that after analysing over 100 CCTV cameras, the police were able to list out the suspect. Though his fake number was not traceable, the police upon further technical investigation were then able to trace his exact location. When the police approached the Paharganj area, Kapoor turned out to be the owner of the hotel. Furthermore, the police informed the daily that the suspect is likely connected to another 11 similar cases.
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