Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Thursday pushed for more digital services in the Parliament premises and urged lawmakers to use digital alternatives. Two key suggestions made by him included less paperwork by bringing in more digital documentation and making the Parliament canteen in the Central Hall into a 100% digital payment mode.
"We should go completely digital. We will give an option form to members who can chose whether they want to go digital or not. I am hopeful that we will set an example for the rest of the country," Birla told the House soon after the Zero Hour got over adding that card payments or digital payments should be made for any purchase in the canteen.
Senior Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Kalyan Banerjee said that while the move was welcomed, it has to be ensured that there is effective WiFi services in the Parliament. He added that members need papers and documents at any hour and if the WiFi availablity is not good it causes troubles.
Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader S. S. Ahluwalia lauded Birla for a "great move" and said that a lot of digital provisions are already available in the House. "I bring no paper. I only have my iPad with me and I must say that I have gone paperless many years ago," Ahluwalia added.
Birla went on to say that the House will take up a discussion on the issue soon. He also said that he was keen on hearing members' views on the issue and was not going to push any overnight changes.
"I am not saying we will go paperless from the next session only. But as and when possible we should reduce the usage of paper. I am not saying this will happen overnight but let us move towards doing it," he added.
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