Rahul Gandhi was reinstated as a Lok Sabha MP on Monday after a period of four months during which he also vacated his official residence at 12, Tughlaq Lane. The Wayanad MP is allowed to return to his official residence after the restoration of MP status and when the reporters asked about the feeling of return, Rahul Gandhi paused and said "Mera ghar poora Hindustan hai."
Rahul Gandhi made the remark while heading towards the headquarters of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) for a meeting with the leaders of the Assam Congress. His restoration as the Member of Parliament comes at a crucial moment as the Lok Sabha is discussing a no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA government.
Earlier, it was expected that Rahul Gandhi will open the debate from Opposition's side, but it was Assam MP Gaurav Gogoi who started the discussion. Leaving no chance to target Rahul Gandhi, BJP leaders attacked the Congress MP with Nishikant Dubey saying, “Maybe Rahul Gandhi was not prepared. Maybe he got up late.”
"This no-confidence motion has been brought. Why has this been brought up? Sonia ji (Gandhi) is sitting here...I think she has to do two things to do- Bete (son) ko set karna hai aur damad (son-in-law) ko bhent karna hai...That is the base of this motion," Nishikant Dubey added raising the intensity of his jibe.
The BJP MP also reacted to the Supreme Court's stay on the conviction of Rahul Gandhi which eventually led to the restoration of his Lok Sabha membership. "The Supreme Court has not given a judgment. It has given a stay order...He is saying that he will not apologise...Secondly, he says 'I am not Savarkar. Rahul Gandhi, you can never be Veer Savarkar..." Nishikant Dubey said.
Rahul Gandhi is facing various cases in different courts for his remarks against some leaders including Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. The grand nephew of Veer Savarkar, Satyaki Savarkar has filed a criminal defamation case against Rahul Gandhi before a magistrate court in Pune for his alleged malicious remarks against the Savarkar in London.
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