Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman rejected West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's claim regarding the treatment meeting out to her during the Niti Ayog meeting on Saturday. Sitharaman also hit out at Congress leader Jairam Ramesh, who said that NITI Aayog's "treatment of the West Bengal CM today, although typical of the NITI Aayog, is unacceptable."
Mamata Banerjee said she walked out of the Niti Aayog meeting on Saturday after her mic was allegedly muted. She also alleged that she was allowed to speak only for five minutes while other chief minister spoke for 15-20 minutes.
In a post on X, Sitharaman said, "Jairam, you weren’t even there [at the Niti Aayog meet]!. She also said, "Mamata ji has chosen to spread falsehood."
"She [Mamata Banerjee] spoke her full time. The screen in front of our tables kept showing the time. A few other CMs spoke beyond their allotted time. On their own request, extra time was allowed without any fuss. Mikes were not switched off, not for anybody, particularly, not for CM, WB," Sitharaman explained.
Sitharaman wrote on X that she was happy Banerjee attended the Niti Aayog meeting. I "was happier when she said she is speaking for Bengal and in fact for the entire opposition. I may agree or disagree with what she had to say," the finance minister said.
In a post on X, Sitharaman said, "Jairam, you weren’t even there [at the Niti Aayog meet]!. She also said, "Mamata ji has chosen to spread falsehood."
"She [Mamata Banerjee] spoke her full time. The screen in front of our tables kept showing the time. A few other CMs spoke beyond their allotted time. On their own request, extra time was allowed without any fuss. Mikes were not switched off, not for anybody, particularly, not for CM, WB," Sitharaman explained.
Sitharaman wrote on X that she was happy Banerjee attended the Niti Aayog meeting. I "was happier when she said she is speaking for Bengal and in fact for the entire opposition. I may agree or disagree with what she had to say," the finance minister said.
"But now with her saying baseless things outside, I can only conclude that she is making an effort to keep I.N.D.I alliance happy," Sitharaman said. Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress (TMC) is part of the Opposition's coalition INDIA.
The West Bengal Chief Minister Banerjee said her microphone was switched off after only five minutes, while other chief ministers including from Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Assam and Chhattisgarh, were allowed to speak for longer durations. "This is insulting. I will not attend any further meeting," the Trinamool Congress (TMC) supremo said after walking out of the meeting.
Reacting to her statement, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said Niti Aayog's "meetings are a farce to be reckoned with". He said, "Since it was established ten years ago, NITI Aayog has been an attached office of the PMO and has functioned as a drumbeater for the non-biological PM."
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