BJP leaders took a fresh swipe at Rahul Gandhi on Saturday over NCP chief Sharad Pawar's meeting with Gautam Adani. The duo had come together in Gujarat's Vasna to inaugurate the country's first lactoferrin plant. According to reports the senior politician also visited the businessman's residence and office in Ahmedabad.
“I just hope that Sharad Pawar ji won’t be abused by likes of Alka Lamba again merely because nobody in INDI Alliance takes @RahulGandhi or his utterances seriously. This picture speaks a thousand words provided Rahul Gandhi is willing to listen,” said BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla.
He re-shared photos of the event that were posted by Pawar on X (nee Twitter) earlier in the day to underscore his point.
“It was a privilege to inaugurate India’s first Lactoferrin Plant Exympower in Vasna, Chacharwadi, Gujarat along with Gautam Adani,” Pawar had tweeted earlier on Saturday.
The development comes at a time when INDIA leaders – including Rahul Gandhi – have taken repeated potshots at the businessman and his dealings with the Indian government.
Pawar's closeness with Adani had previously come to the fore in April when the latter met the NCP chief at his Silver Oak residence in Mumbai. Pawar had also opposed the opposition's demand for a joint parliamentary committee to probe the charges against the Adani Group and said he would favour a Supreme Court-monitored committee.
"Nowadays names of Ambani-Adani are being taken (to criticise the government) but we need to think about their contribution to the country. I think other issues like unemployment, price rise, and farmers issues are more important," he had said in April.
(With inputs from agencies)
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