Amid a rise in the price of tomatoes, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi visited Azadpur Mandi in Delhi and talked with the fruits and vegetables vendors to take stock of the situation. In a video shared on Rahul Gandhi's official YouTube channel, the vendors and labourers can be seen sharing their ordeal amid rising inflation. Rahul Gandhi can be seen walking in the marketplace and talking to people about their situation, earning, family, etc.
The people in the area shared their problems with Rahul Gandhi, who heard them keenly. One person shared that he is from Bihar and came to Delhi in 1998. When Rahul Gandhi asked about his family and kids, the person said that they live in his village, but are in Delhi now as the season is up.
Rahul Gandhi even met his son and asked him what he aspires to become in the future, to which the child replied “Police officer.”
While sitting on a chair, holding a cup of tea, Rahul Gandhi listened to laborers and traders about their problems. One laborer told him that he has not seen his family in the past 1-1.5 years. While referring to the Covid-19 times, another one shared that during the long walk back home his wife passed away.
Rahul Gandhi asked about what they think on Goods and Services Tax (GST) to which the people were visibly agitated and said it has a role in rising inflation as they have to pay GST on everything now.
The video comes on the day, the Lok Sabha secretariat restored the membership of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi after Supreme Court stayed his conviction and sentencing in the ‘Modi-surname’ remark case.
"In continuation of Notification No. 21/4(3)/2023/TO(B), dated the 24th March 2023, the Supreme Court of India has passed an order on 04.08.2023 in Special Leave to Appeal (Crl.) No. 8644/2023, staying the conviction of Rahul Gandhi, Member of Lok Sabha representing the Wayanad Parliamentary Constituency of Kerala, which was ordered by the judgment dated23.03.2023 of the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Surat in C.C./ 18712/2019," an official notification issued by Lok Sabha secretariat read.
"In view of the order dated 04.08.2023 of the Supreme Court of India, the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi, notified vide Gazette Notification no. 21/4(3)/2023/TO(B) dated the 24th March 2023 in terms of the provisions of Article 102(1)(e) of the Constitution of India read with Section 8 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, has ceased to operate subject to further judicial pronouncements," it added.
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