Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Rajasthan Rajyavardhan Rathore on Thursday took part in the ongoing No Confidence motion in the Lok Sabha. Hitting out at the Opposition INDIA bloc, and Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, Rathore said that the duo should be ‘tried for treason’ for allegedly meeting with the Communist Party of China.
Rathore's statements come before Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to reply to questions in relation to the no confidence motion brought against his government with regards to the Manipur crisis in the Lok Sabha by Opposition MP from Assam and Congress leader Gaurav Gogoi.
Rathore during his speech in the Lok Sabha alleged that during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where he was present, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi were supposed to meet the athletes.
The BJP politician furtjer alleged that the Gandhi duo did not meet them and instead ‘met the Communist Party of China’. Rathore added ‘they should be tried for treason’.
BJP MP Rajyavardhan Rathore says, “I was at the 2008 Beijing Olympics (in China). We came to know that Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are coming to meet us. They didn't come to meet us. They met the Communist Party of China. They should be tried for treason...”
Rathore's statements come as there has been allegation against media portal Newsclick that they had received funding from China-linked firms allegedly to spread Chinese propaganda. A New York Times report has alleged that Newsclick receives funding from China-linked firms.
Meanwhile, several media associations on Wednesday said the accusations levelled by political leaders against NewsClick suggesting that the portal serves as a mouthpiece of a neighbouring country were "unwarranted and condemnable".
"While NewsClick, like other media outlets, critically examines government actions, this does not render it unpatriotic or a tool of any foreign nation," a statement by Press Association, Press Club of India, Delhi Union of Journalists and Indian Women Press Corps said.
Expressing deep concern over the alleged "targeted campaign", they said if sources of funding of NewsClick were under scrutiny, the same transparency should extend to portals "aligned with the establishment".
“They (Congress) have brought a no-confidence motion against our government, but they themselves are not even worthy of no-confidence. They have betrayed Rajasthan,” he added.
BJP MP Rathore also raised rapes in Rajasthan and lashes out at Ashok Gehlot and Congress leaders in Rajasthan for their 'insensitive comments' on victims of rapes in the state.
“Yesterday, Rahul Gandhi was speaking on Manipur but forgot Rajasthan. There are 17 rapes that happen in Rajasthan daily, while 7 murders take place every day. They do not talk about that,” he said.
Rathore had earlier said that Congress leader and MP from Wayanad Rahul Gandhi is still an offender and he "might have got temporary relief" in the case. Rathore was reacting to Supreme Court stay order on Rahul Gandhi's conviction in the Modi Surname remark case, which reinstated the Congress leader's MP status.
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