Australia is one of the most popular countries when we talk about immigration.There are various sorts of Australian migration, classed under various classifications of visa:
Indians aged 18 to 30 will be eligible to live, study, and work in Australia for up to 12 months. Those selected can begin their stay early next year.
1 min read14 Oct 2024Many small, sustainability-focused businesses hope Australia’s overhauled migration strategy will also help the country compete for talent.
3 min read27 Dec 2023Fiona Wong, Partner at Gilton Valeo Lawyers, Corporate Immigration Lawyer said, although Australia also has a points-based migration system, there are limited quotas for each occupation specific to its states and territories
2 min read27 May 2023Job vacancies in Australia were double that that of in February 2020, prior to the start of the pandemic
1 min read29 Sep 2022There is around 60% jump in the list of occupations, as per a report
1 min read23 Aug 2022The changes were done for temporary skill shortage visas, temporary graduate visas, and working holiday maker visas.
2 min read17 Aug 2022The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared
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