Data Center News


DE-CIX India now present in 10 data centers in India

DE-CIX India has now increased its geographical presence with a total of 10 Data Centers in India

1 min read13 Aug 2020
Brand Stories

5 questions to ask before choosing a data centre

Data is the oil of the digital era. Which is why, storing it securely and managing it effectively is essential for any organisation.

1 min read3 Apr 2020
Brand Stories

Do you need a data hosting service?

Collecting data, processing it and finally culling it to fuel your business decisions is imperative at a day and age where technology is omnipresent. And hence, the next obvious question that every business needs to ask is, ‘where are we storing our data?’

4 min read2 Apr 2020

Amazon designs more powerful data center chip

The AWS Graviton2 processor, which is estimated to be seven times faster than its previous chip, uses technology from SoftBank Group Corp-owned Arm HoldingsData center processor chips are used in cloud computing, an area that is fast emerging as a big business.

1 min read5 Dec 2019

Mumbai, the data centre hub of the country

According to the report, India has seen data centres grow across key cities However, it is Mumbai that has led the way with 35 data centres

1 min read5 Nov 2018

Facebook to build $1 billion Singapore data centre, first in Asia

Facebook’s 15th data centre worldwide is expected to be operational around 2022, and will host Facebook servers and centralise its IT operations

1 min read6 Sep 2018

AI key to improve efficiency of data centers

There are many ways Artificial Intelligence can vastly improve data center infrastructure

3 min read9 Aug 2018

Apple moves to store iCloud keys in China, raising human rights fears

Apple begins hosting Chinese users’ iCloud accounts in a new Chinese data center at the end of February, Chinese authorities will have far easier access to text messages, email and other data stored in the cloud

5 min read24 Feb 2018

Arctic ice sets new record low for winter: Scientists

Arctic sea ice appears to have reached its annual maximum extent on 7 March, the lowest maximum in the 38-year satellite record

2 min read23 Mar 2017

Oracle widens cloud investments to battle bigger Amazon threat

Oracle has made a lot of progress developing a product that could compete with Amazon

6 min read8 Nov 2016
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