Over 6,600 hoaxes related to covid-19 have been identified by over 80 fact-checking organizations from 74 countries so far
1 min read11 Jun 2020Facebook expanding fact-checking for photos and videos to 27 partners in 17 countries globally, up from 14 countries earlier this year
1 min read13 Sep 2018Here’s a look at some of the statements in Donald Trump’s maiden State of the Union speech and how they compare with facts
13 min read31 Jan 2018Facebook will bring up ’related articles’ next to false stories that give context from fact-checkers on the stories’ problems
1 min read22 Dec 2017Trump inherited an economy in its eighth year of expansion with the lowest interest rates for such a boom in at least half a century
1 min read3 Dec 2017Facebook says it will start using updated machine learning to detect fake news and show the findings below the original post
1 min read3 Aug 2017Campbell Brown, head of news partnerships at Facebook, says working on multiple fronts, including technology and journalism, to ensure fake news is reduced on the News Feed
2 min read2 Jun 2017Facebook and Google are adding new tools to help users identify fake and misleading news stories
2 min read2 May 2017Donald Trump claimed more progress than he’s achieved on his 100-day plan as US president. A look at some of his assertions in the AP interview
6 min read24 Apr 2017Google is rolling out a new feature that places ’Fact Check’ tags on snippets of articles in its News results
2 min read7 Apr 2017The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared