The former election commissioner’s new book is a rigorous study on family planning in India, specifically among Indian Muslims
6 min read7 Feb 2021Covid-19 lockdown affected sexual and reproductive services, shows health ministry dataIntrauterine device insertions fell 21% from 260,615 last December to 205,395 in March
3 min read16 Jul 2020The uptake of male contraception methods remain constant and low in 10 yearsThe findings are part of a recent study published in the International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
4 min read13 Jul 2019The contraceptive shot offers protection to women of reproductive age when injected monthly
2 min read7 Dec 2018Delaying the investing decision, staying away from equity and going in for wrong advice are some of the common mistakes people make
8 min read3 Dec 2018The issue is not just the number of children a woman bears, but if she has the freedom of choice in terms of ’if, when and how’ to have a baby
3 min read24 Jul 2018The move is aimed at preventing women from turning to fake clinics that perform unsafe abortions
2 min read13 Feb 2018The Indian family planning programme’s near-total dependence on women is evident from the fact that the male versus female ratio for sterilization in 2016-17 stood at staggering 1:52
2 min read25 Jan 2018The decision of adding a new member to the family comes with a list of responsibilities that cannot be ignored
4 min read5 Feb 2018Empowering women to make reproductive choices is the best way to address fertility, and its associated health challenges in India
4 min read18 Jan 2018The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared
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