The present authorized equity capital of FCI is ₹3,500 croreThis will reduce the borrowings of FCI, save interest cost of FCI and reduce food subsidy in consequence
1 min read27 Nov 2019The rice procurement target set for this year was 37 million tonnes
2 min read20 Nov 2018Market-oriented schemes need to be aggressively promoted so that farmers can benefit from the rise in prices in the off season
4 min read25 Sep 2018The actual determination of MSP is driven by a ’business as usual’ practice of incremental increases in line with past trend, combined with the political need for ’look good’ optics
8 min read19 Jul 2018Two middlemen and 48 candidates were arrested by the Madhya Pradesh STF for allegedly ’leaking’ the question paper of a Food Corp. of India examination for the post of a watchman
1 min read2 Apr 2018The government will infuse Rs5,000 crore equity in state-run FCI over the next two years to ease liquidity problem and make its procurement operations more efficient
1 min read11 Mar 2018Wheat procurement target of 32MT is higher than the actual purchase of 30.82MT during 2017-18 marketing year
1 min read15 Feb 2018The move will help FCI improve its liquidity situation and efficiently carry out procurement operations on behalf of the govt, besides ensuring support prices to farmers
1 min read1 Feb 2018A CAG audit of Food Corporation of India (FCI) found 470,000 tonnes of wheat valued at Rs700 crore was wasted in Punjab in 2015-16
2 min read5 Aug 2017According to a CAG report, FCI would have saved Rs35,702 crore interest burden during 2011-16 had the government released food subsidy on time
2 min read5 Aug 2017The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared