Beware of Illegal Stock Tips: NSE, SEBI warn against illegal stock tips on Telegram, Instagram. Just a couple of days ago, the National Stock Exchange issued a warning against a Telegram channel called LEVERAGE CONSULTANTS, which gives stock market tips on Telegram. A week before that, NSE issued a similar warning against a handle called BSE_NSE_LATEST on Instagram... and BHARAT TRADING YATRA on telegram. The NSE has also put out a link where you can check who is a registered advisor, and cautioned investors to CHECK such details while dealing with anyone who offers stock advice. But despite the exchanges and market regulator being on the job - many unregistered entities on platforms like Instagram and Telegram give out stock and F&O tips. Of course, there ARE registered ones too. Tech platform Finosaurus analysed over 50 trading related Telegram channels to help investors asses their performance - and the Mint Money team scrutinised some of these. Watch full video to aware from stock market scams through telegram and Instagram apps.
25 Jun 2024Youth On Dangers Of Social Media, Influencer On Their Mental Health; The Alt View, Feat. IMT Ghaziabad . How Social Media is Impacting the Mental Health of the Young ? Impact Of Social Media Influencers on Youth? How does it inculcate the feeling of insecurity and inadequacy? MINT’s The Alt View goes to IMT Ghaziabad and asks the students and the younger generation about the nuances and specific incidents on how social media impacts them personally. Also, why social media is also an essential component of our societal fabric today. Tune in to Alt View this Saturday #socialmedia #depression #mentalhealth #students #young #influencer #finfluencer #facebook #meta #tiktok #reels #online #treding #india #pmmodi #happiness #instant #instagram #instagram #insta #instantgratification #youth #abhinavtrivedi #altview #thealtview #mint #economy #fashion #food #vlogger #vlog #vlogs #vlogging #influencers #influencermarketing #ssr #sushantsinghrajput #justiceforssr #anxiety #fearofrejection #fearofmissingout #fomo #travel #travelvlog #destination #destiny #foodie #foodblogger #foodvlog #foodvlogger 0:00 -1: 44- Intro 1:45 - 2:15 - How much time do you spend on Social Media Apps? 2:15 - 4:05 - Feeling after closing any social media app? 4:06 - 5:33 - Are Mental Health & Social Media usage connected? 5:34 - 7:14 - How Social Media Pollutes Our Mindset & How To tackle It? 7:15 - 8:25 - Should Social Media Usage Be Regulated By law? 8:26 - 10:57 - Negative Examples of social media usage from your life 10:58 - 13:05- Positive Examples of Social Media Usage From Your Life 13:06 - 15:27 - Future Of Social Media & Mental Health
3 Apr 2024How Social Media Ruins My Mental Health; The Alt View Feat. IMT Ghaziabad #mentalhealth #depression #socialmedia #thealtview
15 Mar 2024With all the hype around Threads, MINT tries to understand whether the platform is actually a threat to twitter? Content moderation and alignment is not an easy game for any social media company including Meta. Experts feel that the game is on with the launch of new platforms like twitter, and this would be interesting space to watch on a daily basis.
19 Jul 2023The service - known as Meta Verified - will be rolled out in Australia and New Zealand this week. The subscription bundle for Instagram and Facebook also includes extra protection against impersonation.
1 min read19 Feb 2023Instagram says that it is currently testing broadcast channels with a handful of creators in the US and plans to expand in the coming months.
2 min read17 Feb 2023MC Stan has now joined celebrities like Drake and Nicki Minaj.
1 min read17 Feb 2023With the rise of young users on social media everyday, the concern for their digital safety and concern is also rising. To recall, Instagram has recently launched several parental control features in order to prevent minors from cybercrimes. Here are a bunch of features from Instagram to keep users safe on the platform.
7 min read12 Feb 2023A developer has discovered reference in code snippets about the paid subscription servcice on Instagram.
1 min read5 Feb 2023If you have already created your avatar on Facebook, you can use it for Instagram, saving yourself time and effort.
1 min read25 Jan 2023The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared