The new norms, aimed at simplifying, streamlining and bringing greater clarity in existing regulations, come after Sebi’s board in September approved a proposal on corporate governance
2 min read22 Nov 2018Sebi proposes that at least 15% of the number of securities which the company proposes to buy back should be reserved for small shareholders
1 min read29 Mar 2018Net profits for companies in the NSE’s Nifty 50 index rose by an average of 11.9% in the September quarter, the biggest gain since a 31% expansion in January-March 2016
1 min read29 Nov 2017The BSE and NSE have sent notices asking listed companies why their directors were disqualified by the ministry of corporate affairs
2 min read10 Oct 2017Integrated report aims to provide a concise communication about how organisation’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects create value over time, says Sebi
1 min read6 Feb 2017BSE signed an MOU with international not-for-profit Global Reporting Initiative to this effect on Wednesday
2 min read19 May 2016All listed firms must have at least one woman director on their boards from 1 April 2015, as per a directive by the Securities and Exchange Board of India
2 min read19 Apr 2016Indian companies are in the doldrums, but it is the smaller businesses that are suffering the most
2 min read16 Sep 2015Rule allows entity or a person to change itself from a promoter to a non-promoter in a listed company
1 min read24 Jun 2015Max India restructuring plan proposes to vertically split firm into three separate listed firms
1 min read9 Apr 2015The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared