BJP MP Nishikant Dubey has levelled serious charges of taking cash and gifts for asking questions in the parliament at TMC MP Mahua Moitra. He made the allegations in a letter addressed to the Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla. Mahua Moitra responded to the allegations on X, formerly known as Twitter in a sarcastic tweet in which she said that the CBI can start an inquiry against her after it is done probing the Adani group.
16 Oct 2023India’s biggest gas firm is looking to buy up to 26% stake in a LNG project in the United States in an attempt to shore up supply sources to meet rising demand.
1 min read20 Feb 2023Although Mahua Moitra finished her speech, the uproar over her allegations continued, as the Trinamool Congress MP is heard saying ’chillao, chillao [keep shouting]’
1 min read7 Feb 2023The share sale is critical for Adani, not just because it is India’s largest follow-on offering and will help cut debt, but also because its success will be seen as a stamp of confidence by investors at a time the tycoon faces one of his biggest business and reputational challenges of recent time
2 min read31 Jan 2023The 17th edition of the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit witnessed a heated debate on issues regarding the Constitution, Indian citizenship, and crimeTMC’s Mahua Moitra, Cong’s Manish Tewari, and BJP’s Jamyang Tsering Namgyal faced off over Citizenship Amendment Bill, which was recently cleared by the Union Cabinet
1 min read7 Dec 2019Congress MP Manish Tewari, TMC MP Mahua Moitra and BJP MP Jamyang Namgyal spoke at the 17th edition of the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit. The legislators spoke about whether MPs from different parties remain friends outside Parliament. Listen in to what they had to say.
7 Dec 2019Congress MP Manish Tewari, TMC MP Mahua Moitra and BJP MP Jamyang Namgyal engaged in a fiery debate over the contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill at the 17th edition of the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit. While the Congress and TMC lawmakers argued that it is unconstitutional to provide citizenship on the basis of religion, the BJP MP argued that the bill does not victimise any particular religion. Watch the full video for all the details.
7 Dec 2019All the points on ’fascism’ that the Trinamool MP made fit her own state government perfectly
4 min read7 Jul 2019The last date to link Aadhaar with bank accounts is 31 December this year while for mobile numbers, it is 6 February 2018
1 min read10 Nov 2017Warrant issued after Mahua Moitra, a Trinamool Congress legislator, lodged a complaint saying the BJP MP from West Bengal had made an indecent gesture at her
1 min read11 Mar 2017The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared