Shimla Chief Medical Officer Surekha Chopra said the recent data of COVID-19 cases established community spread of the virus in Himachal Pradesh’s capital Shimla
1 min read9 Sep 2020Himachal Pradesh’s coronavirus count rose to 2,655 on Sunday as 20 more people, including six armed forces personnel, tested positive for the disease
1 min read2 Aug 2020Himachal Pradesh on Thursday recorded 109 COVID-19 cases, its second highest single-day spike in the number of cases, bringing the state’s tally to 1,835Three days ago, the state recorded the highest of 110 fresh cases on a single day
1 min read23 Jul 2020Shimla MeT Centre director Manmohan Singh said there is possibility of landslides in Shimla, Solan and adjoining areas, most parts of the state to continue receiving rain in the day
1 min read8 Jul 2020Around 650 trains start, end, or pass through Delhi daily, which handles around 12 lakh passengers everydayThe move is expected to lower fuel bills, improve safety and increase speed of the trains, officials said
1 min read7 Mar 2019The vistadome coach, which will run on the 95.5 km route, has been built locally in 100 days at a cost of around ₹10 lakh
1 min read4 Dec 2018In all 50 electric buses will be purchased for Shimla town, 30 of which would be 9 metre-long while the rest will be 7 metres in length. The former are priced at ₹76.97 lakh
1 min read15 Oct 2018If a water crisis could hit Shimla, which has a population of just 0.2 million people and is fed by five water sources, what’s in store for the rest of urban India?
3 min read13 Jun 2018Failure to manage agricultural and personal water use has led India to the brink of a crisis
3 min read9 Jun 2018Worried that your tranquil holidays in the hills are lost forever in the onslaught of crowds? Lounge has your back, with tips on secluded stays and secret spots
6 min read20 May 2018The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared