Razorpay co-founder and CEO Harshil Mathur talks about the company’s 10-year journey, the upcoming IPO and buying his first suit at the advice of Sam Altman
9 min read7 Feb 2025On 14 July 2020, Sebi’s surveillance system flagged unusual trading activity. Investigations followed. A former Wipro executive allegedly profited from insider information when Infosys announced its largest contract with Vanguard that day. We have the inside story.
9 min read6 Feb 2025Stable macros, a boost for domestic consumption, and attractive opportunities in select sectors are all valid investing rationales. But if you leap into the market without taking into account factors such as valuations, you could land in deep trouble. So, what should you do?
8 min read5 Feb 2025From humble beginnings, to serving over 5,000 global enterprises, to a deal to be acquired by Everstone. All in 15 years. In a landscape obsessed with big funding rounds, Wingify founders Paras Chopra and Sparsh Gupta have proved that you don’t need to depend on external funding to become a success.
10 min read4 Feb 2025An alphabetized lowdown on the key themes that shaped the most important financial document of the year.
12 min read1 Feb 2025Contemporary Indian artists are combining textile with other mediums and disciplines to explore personal histories, question gender roles and respond to a changing world
18 min read31 Jan 2025In India, colour schemes are about emotion, tradition and meaning. While the perfect shade can elevate a brand, the wrong choice can alienate consumers and tarnish trust. Here’s how to steer clear of missteps.
4 min read30 Jan 2025Uncertainty at the box office has made film producers depend on revenue from streaming rights. Two companies are making the most of this scenario—they have become so indispensable that Hindi films are no longer being made unless they buy OTT rights.
9 min read28 Jan 2025Auréa Group is investing $3-5 billion in beauty brands, focusing on The Body Shop, which sees $1 billion in annual sales. Founder Mike Jatania aims for India to become a top-three market, launching new products and expanding stores in response to growing consumer demand.
5 min read27 Jan 2025The December quarter is a traditionally weak quarter for India’s IT services companies due to lower number of working days in the US and Europe—the sector’s bread-and-butter markets. Even then, the Q3 showing by large-cap IT exporters have collectively sent out a warning plume of smoke.
10 min read26 Jan 2025The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared
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